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Relationship Lists

Relationship lists are user-defined lists used in data standards to specify the relationships between different data elements. Unlike controlled lists, which are predefined within the data standard, relationship lists are populated by the user to provide context and clarity to the data being recorded.

For example, in the fashion and textiles industry, a relationship list could be used to specify the relationship between a component and its associated material or between a complete garment and its components. By defining these relationships, the user can ensure that the data is consistent and accurate, which can help to improve decision-making, analysis, and reporting.

Relationship lists are flexible and can be customised to fit the needs of different users and applications, making them a powerful tool for managing complex data sets. However, they require careful planning and management to ensure that they are used consistently across the supply chain and that they remain relevant and up-to-date over time. This is where OSTFD comes in.