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Open3R Standard Spreadsheet Format

The spreadsheet format is the simplest way to provide information about recycling and waste sites (RWS).

The following table lists the column headings that should be used. When providing this information, you can either build your spreadsheet from scratch, or use the template provided.


Column Status Format Notes
identifier required String A globally unique identifier. See identifiers section for information on how to construct this identifier
govIdentifier recommended String An identifier that is used by Government environmental departments
RWStype required String The identifier of the RWS Type controlled list that this row relates to.
URL recommended URI A URL that links to a web page that provides more information about this site
name required String The name of this RWS service. Could be site name, store, or some other useful name
description recommended String A description of this RWS
siteAddressName recommended String The name of the building/location of the RWS. For example: Car Park indicates the bring bank is located in a car park; Tesco indicates the bring bank is located either inside or outside a Tesco.
siteAddressStreet required String The street address of this RWS
siteAddressCity required String The street address of this RWS
siteAddressCounty required String The street address of this RWS
siteAddressCountry required String The street address of this RWS
siteAddressPostcode required String The postcode of this RWS
latitude required number The latitude of a point close to the centre of the site. The value should be 6 or fewer decimal places, using the WGS84 or ETRS89 coordinate systems. See this government guidance for more information about this standard
longitude required number The longitude of a point close to the centre of the site. The value should be 6 or fewer decimal places, using the WGS84 or ETRS89 coordinate systems. See this government guidance for more information about this standard
telephone optional String Contact telephone number for this RWS, or the operator / owner’s call centre. Please enter numbers using the format: + . For example: +44 123 456789. For more information, please see Open Street Map.
openingHours recommended String Specifies opening hours of this RWS. Opening hours should be specified as a weekly time range, starting with days, then times per day. Multiple days can be listed with commas ‘,’ separating each day. Day or time ranges are specified using a hyphen ‘-‘. Days are specified using the following two-letter combinations: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su. Times are specified using 24:00 format. For example, 3pm is specified as 15:00, 10am as 10:00. An example of this would be Tu,We,Th 08:00-17:00. Months can be specified using three-letter combinations: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec. Separate months before days with a ‘:’. An example of this would be Apr: 08:00-17:00. Multiple entries should be separated by semi-colons. Winter and Summer hours can be specified as Apr-Sep: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00; Oct-Mar: Mo-Fr 09:00-16:00. Specific days can also be specified following the same format as days. An example of this would be Dec 24 10:00-12:00. See Open Street Map for more information about date formats. While all the documentation from Open Street Map is compatible, please avoid using phrases such as but not limited to: dawn, sunrise, dusk, sunset.
openingHoursNotes recommended String Can make notes about openingHours like: Site may close at dusk if earlier.
openingHoursTransportRestrictions required Boolean Do openingHours differ based on transport type (e.g., pedestrian access, small or large vehicles)?
ownerID required String An identifier from the local authorities controlled list
ownerName required String The name of the owner of the RWS
operatorID required String A globally unique identifier. See identifiers section for information on how to construct this identifier
operatorCompanyID recommended String The UK Companies House identifier for this RWS’s operator
operatorName required String The name of the organisation responsible for operating the site
operatorAddressStreet recommended String The street address of this RWS’s operator
operatorAddressCity recommended String The street address of this RWS’s operator
operatorAddressCounty recommended String The street address of this RWS’s operator
operatorAddressCountry recommended String The street address of this RWS’s operator
operatorAddressPostcode recommended String The postcode of this RWS’s operator
dateOpened optional String The date that this RWS opened. Supply in format YYYY-MM-DD. If day and month are not known, then just supplying the year will suffice
dateClosed optional String The date that this RWS closed. Supply in format YYYY-MM-DD. If day and month are not known, then just supplying the year will suffice
areaServed recommended String Either a semi-colon-separated list of local authorities identifiers, or a unique identifier of an area served provided in a separate csv, geoJSON or Shape file
proofOfResidency recommended Boolean Do household users of this site need to provide proof of residency to access the site?
accessibilityNotes recommended String Details of any accessibility issues at the site - eg split-level access with stairs only
trade optional Boolean Is this RWS accessible by tradespeople?
ANPR recommended Boolean Is automatic number plate recognition in use at the site?
reuseShop recommended Boolean Is there a reuse shop at this site?
dateUpdated required String The date that this record was last updated. Supply in format YYYY-MM-DD
dateValidFrom required String The date that this record is valid from. Supply in format YYYY-MM-DD
dateValidTo required String The date that this record is valid to. Supply in format YYYY-MM-DD
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