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RWS Services Offered

Services offered should be provided as a separate csv file, in tidy format. This means that each row of the csv file should be one service offered by one RWS. An example is provided.

The specification of this csv file is as follows:


Column Status Format Notes
identifier required String A globally unique identifier. See identifiers section for information on how to construct this identifier
RWS required String The unique identifier of the RWS that this row relates to. See the identifiers section for information about how to construct this identifier. There must be an equivalent record in the RWS_Main data
material required String The identifier of the material or item that this row relates to. The entry here should be drawn from the materials controlled list
processing required String What the RWS does to the material. Should be one of ‘re-use’, ‘recycle’, or ‘disposal’
charge required Boolean Is there a cost for this service at this site?
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